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1 Subject

1-2 Discussion Strategic Planning 101, Part 1

1-2 Discussion Strategic Planning 101, Part 1

Q Note: This discussion spans two weeks. Your first post is due in this module, and your follow-up posts (two) are due in the next module. Take a moment to think about how strategic planning has been applied in your current or past employment. Specifically, think of a particular situation, task, action, and result of that planning experience. • Was it positive or negative? • In retrospect, based on your review of best practices and barriers, would you have offered other suggestions to improve the results? • If so, what recommendations, and if not, why not? Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

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I think that strategic planning had been extremely useful in my past organization where I had worked as a manager. There had been different departments specializing in different operational aspects in my previous organization. This was effective because there had to be departmentalization in my previous organization to ensure that work would be done in a specialized manner by training specific team members to do specific things effectively. There had also been training provided to some of the team members of one team to be aware of the ways in which things could be done effectively while working in other teams during emergency situations.